Te Nuku Mauī
The planet is burning, inequality is skyrocketing, the status quo is collapsing.
As the cost of your rent, food, power and anything else you might need to live in dignity soar, wages stay low and jobs get harder and harder to find. The government is selling what remains of New Zealand’s welfare state for scrap, butchering benefits and healthcare whilst giving handouts to parasitic landlords and finance capital.
Racist, neo-colonial attacks on indigenous rights, overtures to NATO and the American empire, complete environmental devastation and the gutting of social services and workers’ rights in favour of the owning class all go together so well because they are all inherent features of our current system of Neoliberal Capitalism.
This system is failing you and everyone you care about.
It’s killing us. We need something else.
Te Nuku Mauī are people fighting for something better: Socialism.
We’re fighting for an Aotearoa where everyone is guaranteed a dignified, empowered life. An Aotearoa where working people have power in their workplace, where Māori have tino rangatiratanga, where all gender, sexual and racial minorities are liberated from patriarchal and white-supremacist power structures which oppress them.
We believe that this Aotearoa not only is possible, but must be. The way things are today is utterly untenable. The only possible future worth fighting for is a Socialist one, and we’ll only get there if we fight for it.
As the cost of your rent, food, power and anything else you might need to live in dignity soar, wages stay low and jobs get harder and harder to find. The government is selling what remains of New Zealand’s welfare state for scrap, butchering benefits and healthcare whilst giving handouts to parasitic landlords and finance capital.
Racist, neo-colonial attacks on indigenous rights, overtures to NATO and the American empire, complete environmental devastation and the gutting of social services and workers’ rights in favour of the owning class all go together so well because they are all inherent features of our current system of Neoliberal Capitalism.
This system is failing you and everyone you care about.
It’s killing us. We need something else.
Te Nuku Mauī are people fighting for something better: Socialism.
We’re fighting for an Aotearoa where everyone is guaranteed a dignified, empowered life. An Aotearoa where working people have power in their workplace, where Māori have tino rangatiratanga, where all gender, sexual and racial minorities are liberated from patriarchal and white-supremacist power structures which oppress them.
We believe that this Aotearoa not only is possible, but must be. The way things are today is utterly untenable. The only possible future worth fighting for is a Socialist one, and we’ll only get there if we fight for it.